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The Doorway to Transformation

and Optimum Performance

"With the guidance coming from within me, I am confident, determined, and joyous, appreciative of what I have

accomplished and excited about what I can do in the future."



Fortune 100

Telecommunications Company

INTROSPECTION: The Doorway to Transformation and Optimum Performance is an interactive root cause analysis workshop that empowers participants to discover and overcome individual barriers to change, growth, and optimum performance. 


Preceded by a thorough needs assessment with our team of experts, a bound workbook, with corresponding activities, is customized and produced for each client. The Workshop is  conducted in a one-day or week-end  session that provides employees with a road map for navigating inside themselves and finding the root cause for their motivations, perceptions, and behavior. Participants are able to determine what drives them, identify their personal barriers to change, growth, and optimum performance, define their life’s work and purpose, build  a personal action plan for removing their barriers and releasing unlimited resources for performance excellence, and create a collaborative action plan with their team for aligning their resources and their life’s work with organizational goals. 










After being guided through a series of individualized, introspective exercises and interacting with their peers, participants are energized with new insights and perceptions and the excitement of change and growth.

Sharing their experiences during this workshop, participants become a cohesive, empathetic team with a strong commitment to supporting each other’s growth and the growth of the organization.

Participants also have the opportunity to continue their transformation with the facilitator in ongoing assessments and discussions for several months after the completion of the Workshop .


As more and more companies recognize and understand that the well-being of their internal customers, their employees, is the foundation of the sustained growth of their business, they begin to look around for ways to improve that foundation from the inside-out, including introducing wellness programs and attempting to create a  culture shift that produces more fundamental, sustainable employee growth, productivity, engagement, agility, interaction, and innovation, and more internal, and, thereby, more external customer satisfaction



The Pathway to Building an Empowering Culture

of Engagement, Interaction, and Innovation

"I came away empowered and confident…. I believe this experience will make me a better leader, coach, colleague, husband, father, son, and friend."



Fortune 500

Healthcare Company

THE INTROSPECTIVE LEADER:  The Pathway to Building an Empowering Culture of Mindfulness and Engagement is an interactive root cause analysis workshop that addresses the essential question, "What is Leadership?" and guides participants in identifying and removing individual barriers to becoming mindful, engaged, responsive, and effective leaders. 

In our rapidly changing, technology-driven world, as organizations are becoming increasingly flatter, employees at every level of responsibility are being encouraged to develop a leadership state of mind and to be able to lead from every position in the company.  This shift from leadership as a position to leadership as a state of mind requires organizations, and the individuals within those organizations, to go through a dynamic, introspective process of transformation and growth. ​

After a thorough needs assessment with our team of experts, a bound workbook, with corresponding activities, is customized and produced for each client.  The Workshop is conducted  in a one-day or week-end session, providing participants with insights and tools for defining leadership as a state of mind, not a position,  and for examining the impact their personal experiences, attitudes, and perceptions  have on developing that state of mind.   Guided through a series of introspective exercises, participants are able to identify the root cause of any barriers that may exist to becoming effective, responsive, introspective leaders and develop creative action plans for removing them. 







With the new insights and perceptions gained in the Workshop, participants have  the ability not only to improve their own leadership effectiveness but also to encourage improvement and transformation in others.

Participants can continue to assess and improve their leadership state of mind In ongoing assessments and discussions with the facilitator for several months after the completion of the Workshop.​

This program delivers the tools for lasting, deep-rooted, sustainable  leadership transformation for today's organizations, whether going through a culture change or facing  high, stress-related absenteeism, high turnover, low morale, lack of engagement, lagging innovation, poor customer service, or an eroding customer base




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